Tissue & Stem Cell Matching System

Exclusively sold in the UK by Savant

Hematos is in daily use by NHS Blood and Transplant; with whom Savant have worked closely since 2004 to customise the Hematos system to fulfil the requirements of NHSBT specialist labs.












Hematos is a Highly Flexible and Configurable System

The system is designed for use by specialist blood, tissue typing and testing and stem cell typing  and testing organisations.

Hematos is developed by Medinfo. It is a global multi-lingual product in use across the world. Hematos uses Oracle as its back-end database – ensuring Hematos is secure and reliable.

Off-the-shelf or Customised: The Choice is Yours

Hematos is used to support diverse kinds of patient and donor testing, tissue typing, matching and reporting. In addition, for the Stem Cell Donation and Transplantation functions, the system is also used to support the collection, processing and distribution of stem cell and cord blood products and the creation and maintenance of a searchable registry of potential adult bone marrow/stem cell donors and a searchable bank of cord blood donations.

Hematos Provides a Comprehensive Management Environment

Red Cell Immunohaematology

National  Bacteriology Laboratory

Cellular And Molecular Therapies

Stem Cell Donation And Transplantation

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