A Team You Can Trust

Managing Director

Pete Gregg was appointed Managing Director of Savant in July 2020 after a four year tenure as Development Director. Pete has been with the company for many years and was appointed the first Employee Director of Savant from 2001 to 2004. As well as his Managing Director role, Pete is the Pulse Project Manager, responsible for the direction of the Pulse project and the supply of development and support to NHSBT, Isle of Man, Jersey and the Northern Ireland Blood Service. Pete provides the important Account Manager link between Savant and its clients – ensuring regular liaison and discussion with all key contacts. Pete also oversees the R&D projects and ideas initiatives within the team.

Project Director

Rachel Wood was appointed a Director of Savant in July 2018, she also holds the Financial Director role.  Prior to joining Savant in 2006, Rachel worked in various roles including Administration and HR. Rachel’s initial role as a project manager of the PULSE Archiving Project has expanded throughout her time at Savant to include other work associated with PULSE, Social Media, Quality and Internal Auditing as well as Sales and Marketing. Rachel is also our Incidents and Improvements Manager and our Marketing Coordinator. Before becoming a director of the operating company Rachel was previously a Trustee of the Savant Group Employee Benefit Trust.

Employee Director

Clare Green is a Business Computing graduate and has been a software engineer at Savant since 1999, developing commercial software for a wide range of industries including health, education, nuclear and commercial services. Clare works across the entire software lifecycle: designing, developing, testing and delivery software, as well as providing training and support to customers. In more recent years, she has been project managing multiple projects, leading development teams and overseeing implementations on customer sites. Clare has been a Professional Member (Chartered IT Professional) of the British Computer Society for a number of years. Clare was appointed Employee Director in July 2019 and she represents the interests of Savant’s employees at Management and Board meetings.

Technical Director

Jamie Edgar was appointed Technical Director in July 2020. Jamie graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree in Computer Science and joined Savant in 2011. Jamie’s areas of expertise includes OpenVMS clustering, Windows server environments, advanced networking, split-site virtualisation system design, fibre channel deployment, hardware design and deployment – including structured wiring and the integration of complex systems. Jamie was key to the relocation of two life-critical high-availability data centres for the National Blood Service (NHSBT). All managed with with zero downtime.

Project Manager

Stephen Edge is a project manager, responsible for the implementation and product development of the Hematos product.  He has been managing this strategic system at Savant for over fifteen years.  In addition to Hematos, Stephen heads up the General Systems division in Savant.  This division utilises the skills, experience and best practices from the company’s development projects to build and deploy specialist IT control systems.  Central to the applications developed and supported by this division are Savant’s human milk donation and tracking products.

Customer Service Manager

Heather Ashton has been supporting and testing Pulse since 1996. A former NHS medical scientist, Heather brings a wealth of healthcare-related software systems experience to the company. Heather leads the customer support team – who provide 24/7 support to our clients and performs the testing of all Savant’s products and services.

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