OpenVMS™ Services You Can Trust

Savant has a range of public-sector customers benefiting from the resilience of OpenVMS, including: NHS Blood & Transplant, the States-of-Jersey government and the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service.

Savant has experience in migrating OpenVMS clusters between hardware infastructures and between data centres while maintaining 100% service up-time for life-critical and mission-critical systems.

This remarkable acheivement exploits both the OpenVMS dual-site clustering capabilities and the fail-over and switching mechanisms.

Savant are OpenVMS Boot Camp annual event attendees and are part of the VSI Partner Program.

Safe And Protected Data

Many years of working with XDelta on OpenVMS and OpenVMS clustering projects

Proven Alpha to Integrity hardware migration experience – without service downtime

OpenVMS data centre migration experience – including disaster tolerant clustering

Experience of migrating between HPE and VSI versions of OpenVMS

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