Savant are proud to be an employee-owned company and strive to comply with our business & ethical responsibilities

Employee Ownership

Following 20 years of private ownership; in July 2001, Savant’s employees took over the company from the retiring founders in an Employee Buyout (EBO). The company is now wholly owned by the Savant Employee Benefit Trust (known as the EBT) – to which all eligible staff belong.

Why not a Management Buy Out?

The existing management team acknowledged that the main assets of the company go home every night. Without the goodwill and cooperation of the staff, Savant could not provide the levels of service and support we believe our customers have a right to expect – after all we charge them for it. So the idea of an EBO was born out of the spirit of cooperation – but not necessarily of a co-operative.

Code of Business Ethics

Our Code of Business Ethics applies to all business conducted by Savant – and to our employees. Compliance with our code helps to sustain and enhance Savant’s good reputation. We believe that every employee plays a vital part in building and strengthening Savant’s ethical stance.

We are a UK Software Engineering Company

Savant is an employee-owned company based in Cumbria in the UK.

Privacy and Data Security

Savant has been certified to ISO9001 since 1994 and ISO27001 since 2012 and are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We secure any personal information we hold from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. Information disclosed to us is kept accurate, up-to-date and is retained only for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected, this includes email addresses.

Website Use

By submitting data through our website, you are entrusting we use this accordingly. We take this trust-relationship seriously and will keep all submitted data safe, private and secure.

We may collect the following information – where available: your IP address, operating system and browser type. This data is gathered solely to aid web traffic analytics and cannot be used to identify any individual.

Savant websites do not place cookies.


Savant® is a registered trademark of Savant Ltd.

All other trademarks acknowledged.

Company Registration

Savant Limited, 4-12 Dalton Hall Business Centre, Dalton Lane, Burton-in-Kendal, Cumbria, LA6 1BL

Registered in England, Company No: 2077844, VAT No: 708-3225-51

Digital Marketplace & G-Cloud

Savant’s range of services for implementation, consultancy, migration and testing can be found under Digital Outcomes and Specialists.

The G-Cloud framework supports the government policy to centrally manage the procurement of common goods and services.


With continued development and support of current and new projects, keep up to date with our current focus.


Be a part of a team that values you, your ideas and input – current job opportunities.